practice areas
Greek Real Estate
Purchasing Greek Real Estate

Assistance is provided to:

  • investigate ownership status
  • apply for acquisition permits, if the property is characterized as a “border area” in Greece
  • undertake relevant currency and taxation procedures
  • confirm through impartial Greek appraisers the property’s fair/true market value
  • negotiate terms of sale
  • draft and duly execute the Deed, also arranging for its proper registration with the competent Land Registries in Greece.
Selling Greek Real Estate

Assistance is also provided to:

  • intensively market the property through networks of realtors in Greece and key individuals.
  • prepare and duly execute the deed at the client’s pre-approved terms and price.
  • undertake all tax and municipal Greek tax clearances.
  • wire-transfer the sale proceeds to client’s designated foreign or Greek bank account.
Management of Greek Real Estate
  • Review of the clients’ titles to the property; determination of validity of title (probated and registered; existence of liens, faults, encumbrances, claims etc.).
  • Determination (with the assistance of certified professionals, civil Engineers, real estate agents, appraisers etc.) of your Greek property’s marketing / leasing potential.
  • Depending on your wishes, your property can be listed for rent; help in negotiations with potential tenants; draft a lease agreement (which can be entirely prepared for you); monitor cash flow/income into a Greek Bank account that can be set up for you (with the possibility of your remote access to same via the Bank’s web portal etc.); filing of rental income tax returns for you; wire transfer of the rental income to your designated account of choice abroad etc. etc.
  • Handling of litigation or disputes (if need be), e.g. incl. eviction of tenants; renegotiation of rental price; renewal of lease agreements etc. etc.
  • Tax-wise handling of your matter in the most efficient way.
Development of Greek Real Estate

The best return of your Greek real estate (e.g. a plot, vacant or not) may sometimes lie in its development rather than its sale. Accordingly, assistance is provided with agreements with contractors and/or other professionals for the building of your property to your wishes and specifications. Mind the sometimes convenient vehicle of “anti-parohi”, which practically results in your attaining one or more completed apartments in exchange of your plot to the contractor’s disposal.

Litigation in Greece

We have practically encountered and successfully handled most kinds of dispute litigation related to real Estate in Greece. Accordingly, the associate lawyers in Greece represent the clients at court efficiently in regard to any judicial matter of their properties, be that as plaintiffs or defendants.

June 2020